Welcome to KL85.net
This is internet radio station KL85
Op 17 augustus 2024 is het weer zover. Rockabilly Summer in Gullegem.
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Top 3 Belgium (peildatum zaterdag 6 juli 2024)
Top 3 Nederland (peildatum vrijdag 5 juli 2024)
This year KL85 is already 4 years old and is derived, among other things, from the former Radio Gemini
(more than 80,000 listeners daily) and Radio19
There are now more than 40 internal and external people working for KL85. Partly due to the recruitment of "new" radio people, the number is still growing. KL85 provides a huge variety of music and items on a daily basis; 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. The most diverse genres pass the revue, your revue.
Why the name 'KL85'? Or as Marc Jacobs (Mi Amigo)(Robert J. van Dam) once said, "This is a Belgian station, isn't it? Then why an English pronunciation?
The English pronunciation is because of the international nature of Internet radio:
- the 'K' stands for Kortrijk
- the 'L' stands for the Leie region
- '85' stands for the zip code
And what do we offer our listeners
The disco is filled with a huge database of music anyway. It starts from the 1930s to today's recent hits. In addition to our already large stock of music, much of the time is also furnished with unique sea station fragments. Colleague Bert Ree has a huge collection of sea station material with which KL85 can fill her hours almost daily.
As an example: the weekly [ sea station nights ]
Your rating [ Our reviews ]